SmartFolder is an extention for System 7 that draws a number on top of the folder icons in the Finder that represents the number of files/folders within that folder. It draws over any existing folder icon. If a folder has custom icon it will NOT draw a number on it (NEW in version 1.1). It sometimes is useful to know at a glance if a folder contains anything and this will do exactly that.
Version history:
v1.0.0 First public release. Worked correctly for System 7.0. and (luckily) for System
7.0.1 when it was released.
v1.1.0 Rereleased for compatibility with 7.1 (Apple loves to break cool hacks I guess).
This version will also check if a folder has a custom icon and will NOT draw a
number over the pretty artwork. You're welcome.
A couple things to watch out for are:
1. It only updates the number when the Finder redraws the icon. Therefore it is possible for the number to be inaccurate. A simple screen refresh will insure accurate counts.
2. It only counts files/folders one level down. It does not represent the total number of files/folders contained in a folder.
3. The number it shows may sometimes be higher than the number of files you can see in a folder. In this case there are probably invisible files in the folder.
4. If the count is high enough it will draw off the edge of the folder icon. C'est la vie.
Tip: The font that is used to draw the number is the same one you set in the Views control panel.
It's a pretty simple init (oops, extension). It has been tested casually, and there are no known bugs or conflicts.
SmartFolder is freeware, but may not be distibuted as part of a commercial product or charged for in any way.
Let me know if you like it, hate it or have an idea to improve it. I have a new CDEV equipped version in the works that will give you more control over the drawing of the number on the folder. Stay tuned.
Thanks to Eric, Michael, Mitch and Walter for beta testing.